Silent Auction | GWF 2023
Exciting News! We’re thrilled to announce the Silent Auction for the Global Women Festival 2023!
Join us in bringing more hope and smiles to those who need it the most.
Our mission is to make a difference, and you can be a part of it!
Starting today, we’ll be sharing a special item daily for our online silent auction. Bid on these fantastic items and help us raise funds for a noble cause! The culmination of this incredible initiative will be a Silent Auction at the elegant Hyatt Regency Lake WA.
All proceeds will go towards supporting cancer patients, providing them with vital financial aid for their treatments.
Want to make a difference? Here’s how you can get involved:
Bid on our daily auction items online.
Attend the Silent Auction at Hyatt Regency Lake WA.
Support by donating an item for the auction.
To register and learn more, email us at or visit our website at Let’s come together to create a positive impact and make a lasting difference in the lives of those battling cancer.
#GlobalWomenFestival #SilentAuction #CharityEvent #AmpoweringHope #MakeADifference #menkssoni #AMpowering #coachnista