Jean Craciun (Leader – Diversity, 2019)

Founder Jean Craciun is a nationally recognized moderator/facilitator. She has decades of experience helping groups and individuals get to that next level in team building and group dynamics, emotional intelligence, social justice, and community engagement. As a founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Craciun Research Group Inc. she consulted on full service market research projects internationally and nationally. Jean is a sociologist and feminist. She spent 30 years as an activist mentored by renowned Gloria Steinem and Congresswoman Bella Abzug. Jean served as Vice President of The National Women’s Political Caucus in the 90s and noted in November 2018, “we could only dream of the election cycle we just witnessed with women starting to take their rightful place in the politics that impacts our daily lives.” As Jean’s company thrived on a world stage, she honed skills in Social Marketing Campaigns consulting with USAID to train Russian sociologists on how to conduct quantitative and qualitative research. Working with Alaska Native Corporations’ global businesses, she saw first-hand matriarchal leadership at its best. Jean moved to Seattle in 2012 and believes her life’s purpose is to help women/men take decisive action to facilitate greater works by employing DEI to their daily practice. After founding Diversity Center of Seattle in Spring of 2018, she endeavors to assist clients with understanding the people issues in corporate America today. She pushes for a focus on inclusion, pay equity (comparable worth) and, as part of our heritage of white privilege, to assist in the eradication of institutional racial injustice. Highly ethical in all aspects of her work she lives-into the motto “do no harm” at all levels of interaction working with human participants.


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