Community Awards

Aligned to our vision for “Transforming Lives and Empowering Communities” , we have always believed in team work. When aligned to an objective becomes a multiplier for achieving the objectives.  These awards to given to individuals who have enriched our communities with their significant contributions as servant leaders.

Awards intends to :

  • Recognize these leaders as catalyst – change agents.
  • Highlight their achievements and appreciate their success as community servant leaders.
  • Fuel inspiration to others and emphasizing their role in the sustainable development of economy.
Give a Little, Change a Lot

Women Empowerment Fundraisers

De’haat Foundation

De’haat Foundation

Providing opportunities for women to earn a livelihood with dignity including rural areas. Partnered with De’haat Foundation from India to create more jobs.


Ravishing Hope Foundation

Ravishing Hope Foundation

Supporting Women Hygiene – our responsibility is not only to educate girls about hygiene but also take initiative towards environment sustainability.


Ways you can help?

Give a little and change a lot

We all have different strengths to share in this fight. Whatever your strength, there’s a way you can share it to help lives and communities. Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege. We believe giving is one of the greatest life lesions we can teach our children that giving is not just about making a donation, it is all about making a difference.

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